Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Graphics for Dummies

Graphics design for dummies, are you good in photoshop or any design's softwares? Well, if you are like me a dummy in design of graphics, don't plan to take any courses right now because through Copy and Paste Graphics you will probably receive thousands over graphics to enhance your your website, blog, forum or anything as long as you need a graphic.

Graphics speak louder than words, a lenghty blog could make you feel boring if the topic or content isn't interesting but attractive graphics could hold your readers to stay longer on your blog or website.

A survey out of 10 person i know (well i'm not running a focus group), my readers on my blog always hope to see photos, graphics appeared in my blog so that they feel more attractive. Yes, Attractiveness is hard to get out of most. Even you're not scoring for an A in your English (just like Me) but just fair writing with graphics and photos will make your readers feel that your blog is lively. Try me if you don't believe.

Look who says Dummy cannot design!!!

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