Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Yesterday, me and Pauline visited our gyne again for my baby monthly check up (So fast right...) But, gyne says we have to go there on a weekly basis later on because the expecting date is drawing closer...

Well, it is 34 weeks old for our baby and Pauline's stomach is growing like a *basketball*!!! Out of curiosity, I asked the Gyne...

David: Normally, when women will deliver? How many weeks of pregnancy?
Gyne: It depends, 38 weeks or earlier. Between 36-38 weeks.

OMG!!! I looked up to the calender and my legs starts shaking... Why? Meaning I only can enjoy for the coming next 2 weeks of Futsal and Golf and I gotto be a Full Time Daddy *sigh* (But, poor Pauline has suffered to carry the baby for the pass 9 months... I appreciate alot and Baby must sayang the mommy when she comes to this world!!!)

I'm excited, looking forward and feel pressure suddenly because this is my first baby of ours and really don't know what to expect what will happen next... (on the other hand, my parents are happy about it!! Finally, got grandchildren to play with...)

My Baby Girl in 4D. My father has name her Xin Yee(馨怡) or Xing Yee (心怡). Nice or not?! (I think peng leong and yin kee cannot give her this kind of sweet name at all lar...Ha Ha Ha... Still remember the night when we were in Vintry!!!)

Dear friends please don't ask me out after Pauline's delivery but you all are welcome to visit me, pauline and baby with presents when her full month comes. In fact, I'll be back in action when Pauline done with her confinement. Ha Ha Ha...


MikeM said...

so sweet... when will it b my turn????

Irene said...

I felt so excited for both of you because you guys are the first pair of parents to be among us.Can't wait to see ur baby gals ler...

gossip with david said...

Irene quickily get married then you'll have one right after that or you can pregnant first then only marry... What do you think? Don't forget to buy present for my baby girl!!! Ha Ha Ha...

Unknown said...

David is right, you can always get pregnant first since your wedding is scheduled in Dec 2008. Still got plenty of time.. If you get pregnant now, u will deliver in March 08, still have 9 mths to prepare for wedding.. not a bad idea wei!!!

Then i can pass to you my pregnant baju... hahhaha..

Unknown said...

hahaha... i think Irene also desperate to have a baby!!!! Irene, u acan always make a hole n the condom and let KP 'wear' it!!! hahaha

Unknown said...

Law, good idea wor.. U not scare your other "mei mei" might use the same tricks on u to make themselves pregnant ar?? hahaha

or u actually kena b4, that is why u know the tricks??
