Friday, June 1, 2007

Shaolin Golf in Malaysia

I think most of you watch the movie Shaolin Soccer before starring by Hong Kong Comedy Star Stephen Chow and his funny crew. But do you ever hear about Shaolin Golf?

Well I have missed a lot of Golf this year... Due to several reasons:-
(1) Heavy Rain
(2) Rain Check
(3) Today we don't have night golf (This is what I hate most...WTF!!!)

But, today I really have fun and enjoy a lot at Kelab Darul Ehsan Golf Club, Kuala Lumpur with my regular golf kaki and a Shaolin Monk join in our flight. KE KE KE..

Here are the funny photos I took when we were playing...

The Shaolin Monk (bald head) accompanied by Steven and Leslee...

Free swing by Steven at Hole 1 (He looks confident to get a par!!!)

Leslee postured with his Cleveland Driver... (He wants to have a longest drive!!!)

This is Me, Leslee try to fit into my Camera Phone with his Driver... Ha Ha Ha (Don't show off lar!!!)

Just for memory from KDE, Hole 1 (Par 4)... We are teeing off now!!!

Who say Shaolin Monk only know Kung Fu, this is the extra mile he knows how to play GOLF!!! See his posture...Amazing just like a pro!!! Just kidding lar he is Peng Leong latest hairstyle. Ha Ha Ha!!!!

This is Me, prepare to tee off... Damn it I hurt my back I bend too low....

What a swing!!! I hit 250 Yards... Ha Ha Ha... I miss the shot lar....

View at KDE GOlf Club, Kuala Lumpur (while looking for my Precept Ball)

View at KDE GOlf Club, Kuala Lumpur (OMG I can't find my ball again...groans)

Finally, we reach the Green!!!

Leslee in action for a putt.

Finally, we finished 9 hole of golf at KDE... everyone looks disappointed because don't get a PAR!!! Never mind we can come back anytime to revenge!!!

More Golf Course in Malaysia. Click on Pamper Zone.

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