Sunday, April 8, 2007

Share the Cake

In real life people around us do not really share. They feel fear, inferior or useless if one know too much of the information or ideas. In fact, they don't realise how beautiful is a bare ideas, people could only understand what is the ideas but do not know how to use it. So in returns what you fear to share?

The difference here is culture of east and west. Western they like to share like youtube because of sharing video clips on the internet they being targeted by IT giant google in one of the most talked acquisition to date. As a comparison what do eastern has to offer to share to the world?

Ideas are too good to be shared as from sharing you will only realise that we start to meet new allies, prospect or even friends like most of the blogger. The objective of a blog is to "share" with others therefore bloggers out there are sharing the experience, technology, story and many more in their blog daily to increase their own traffic.

They even make money out from their traffic as more and more people view their blog. Then, they slowly started off with their own community to strengthen their influences on blog. I'm quite impress of the power of sharing on the blog when I first started writing.

Sharing your thoughts or ideas will not harm you but it will only invite unexpected comments that you could improve from there on. This will only benefit to you and makes your ideas more integrated. Do you want to be the next "somebody" most talked about in the future then you have Share It!!!

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