Friday, May 11, 2007

Undisclosed Photos

Dear friends here are some undisclosed photos I just digg from my mum's digital camera before she went to Beijing. Enjoy... Thye really miss your lame joke...

Gathering before heading to the bride's house...

Well everyone knows we play Futsal but this photos really tells us those who didn't play futsal stand on the RIGHT. See Leslee (front row with specs) and Thoong (2nd row also on the right). He He He

Wah you guys are so hungry meh.....

I think most of you very familiar with this LUCKY PIG.. Leslee and Peng Leong strike 2nd prize in TOTO immediately after my wed.

Successfully transported the bride and the groom.

Return to my house after picking up the bride and everyone looks tired after the morning section. Grace why you turn off from the camera. Leslee seems very TIRED woh!!! HA HA HA

Everyone is taking a ciggy break now but LAW is yawning... sleep sleep sleep... Who is still wearing the jacket? Like God of Gamble!!!

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